# Gaby de Wilde @ 5:07 AM Thursday, January 27, 2005 view from google

The Google Toolbar is the worse product ever

Google got it all wrong here!. I mean they offer this lag making Microsoft product enhancement. That actually sucks balls because it clone's itself with the IE windows making it preform even worse.
Google Toolbar: "Take the power of Google with you anywhere on the web."

Has google gone bananas on us? Anywhere on the web? I don't see any Internet explorer windows here! Am I still on the web???*

But thats not my point, it's just a rather small part of it. A bigger part of the actual point is having the hobbyist beat google (the world's leading web business) at making the product google makes it's money off.

The Googlebar project was initially created to address the widespread desire in the Mozilla community for the Google toolbar
to support Netscape 7/Mozilla, since many users of Mozilla enjoy having
all of Google's specialty searches in one convenient location. In the
past, the Google toolbar was only available for IE on windows. While we
are in no way affiliated with Google inc, our current release emulates

all of the basic search functionality of the toolbar, allowing users to
easily access almost all of Google's specialty searches (some of which
are not yet supported by the original Google toolbar!) from one
convenient toolbar.

I would make a official firefox toolbar and do a page size add in the NYT about it. Just for laughs.

Google was to lazy to re-invent it's marketing? OMG! Well it's good I'm here still. (haha)

(* extra question mark to indicate it was a stupid question)


So a few million people asked for product with my company name on it, I would give it to them! Even if it was a useless tool. (ha-ha)

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