# Gaby de Wilde @ 2:43 AM Sunday, February 13, 2005 view from google

Discrete Life: A gbrowser countdown?

Discrete Life: A gbrowser countdown?: "Do you feel that there is some sort of countdown going at Google? Or is it just me? Almost every page displays google text ads now. On the top or bottom of these ads you used to see the words 'Ads by Google'. But, about 3-4 months ago it changed to 'Ads by Gooooooooooooogle'. Since then it feels like that there is some sort of countdown going on.

Ads by Goooooooooooogle
Ads by Gooooooooooogle
Ads by Goooooooooogle
Ads by Gooooooooogle
Ads by Goooooooogle
Ads by Gooooooogle

Currently it stands at
Ads by Goooooogle

Maybe Google is doing a countdown for a major release. A new browser? gbrowser? Something else? What do ya think?

posted by Moneywise at 8:35 AM


Sounds about right.
I noticed the increase, but not the countdown.
Very interesting.

By tomythius, at 12:45 PM

very cool I had notice the same thing, but hadn't thought anything about it. How very curious.

PS how'd you get the cool commenting system? I've been looking for a better one.

By GodsMoon, at 8:29 PM

oh never mind about the commenting. Blogger just upgraded it. Whoa that's a lot better. I love Blogger! :)

By GodsMoon, at 8:34 PM

besides gbrowser, I am looking forward to Google's Ginger as well.

By eshfaq, at 3:08 AM

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