With all respect, google has grown to the corporate headless chicken size. Size is nice but it does bring disadvantages just like having a small business. I hate Microsoft for putting people's business/life in the hands of beta products. The software stops working and the bank takes the house.
May Google ever take our blog/life seriously? The few bloggers that make an income from a blogspot blog should never gain a serious customer position?
From the top of my head:
1) Put real products in the Dashboard to use with the blog.
2) Put a froogle like search box in the Dashboard so we can add a link to the product we are blogging about.
Hand picked adds by content. If the link points at the full specifications of the product it would make it a better post.
May Google ever take our blog/life seriously? The few bloggers that make an income from a blogspot blog should never gain a serious customer position?
From the top of my head:
1) Put real products in the Dashboard to use with the blog.
2) Put a froogle like search box in the Dashboard so we can add a link to the product we are blogging about.
Hand picked adds by content. If the link points at the full specifications of the product it would make it a better post.