# @ 12:52 PM  1 comments Saturday, February 26, 2005 view from google

how to make firefox show Single Window Mode Preferences

Firefox's little hidden area



in the address bar, go to browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs and double click it to set it to TRUE


go to >tools >options >advanced >tabbed browsing and select 'a new tab to appear in same window' and then also tick 'force links that open in new window to open in' and select ' a new tab'

# @ 5:18 AM  3 comments Thursday, February 24, 2005 view from google

PC magazine

I just found this hilarious review. It claims to list the top 15 extensions, the NR 3 would be "27 different solitaire games" HAHAHAHA So this review was written bij? O he didn't put his name under it? Why would that be?

How american! Jhon Doe's Top 15 of random clicks.

This is the only one I don't know, I want to test it but the installer doesn't work? Does this mean the rest of this app is finished?

Clusty Toolbar for Firefox

I must have a propper look later!

This also needs more testing:


Top 15 Firefox Extensions: "Top 15 Firefox Extensions"

# @ 6:21 PM  0 comments Wednesday, February 23, 2005 view from google

About Google Video

Would be great to have the tv protocol.


About Google Video: "Google Video"

# @ 7:56 AM  1 comments Tuesday, February 22, 2005 view from google

About: Your new monitor

What about it?


Did you know that it takes looking at this thumbnail for 3 min and a second monitor starts to make sense? I never stop surfing as I post, I only get more and more curious.

Photo Rack - Stock Photo's Great suff if you don't have a cam or just dont have a good picture of your own. But it's about the monitor this is... Are you buying it? See, I was right again. Why don't I have more fans? nvm it was a rhetorical question.

I think I will get 2 old pc's and hook up another 3 + a tv out.

Old hardware is a lot cheaper as new, for the price of a TFT screen you can buy a whole pile of old tv's and monitors. It will increase your workspeed by 30% for each extra screen. It's 2 times 19 INCH, can you do the pitagoras for me?

# @ 6:31 AM  0 comments

The All-in-One Gestures Extension

Writing the user guide I had to explain how to set up the All-in-One Gestures Extension so that "open current page in new window" is triggered by mouse gesture: Down-Up.

In this tutorial:
  1. your first mouse kung-fu move.
  2. How to configure your own moves and style.
  1. "download all-in-One-Gestures"
  2. "learn to configure mouse gestures"
  3. "learn to make the gesture"
  4. "learn why to make mouse gestures"

Chapter 1

"download all-in-One-Gestures"

Get the extension here: All-in-One Gestures

Chapter 2
"learn to configure mouse gestures"

> Extensions

All-in-One Gestures > Right-click > options

Options for All-in-One Gestures:
General preferences > Gestures Customization

duplicate Window > Edit gesture > put DU in the box for Down Up

Use OK (not cancel or [X])

Part 3
"learn to make the gesture"

We take a firefox window with a few tabs open,

We hold down the right-mouse on a blank spot of the page,

> move mouse down and up but we keep pressing/holding the the mouse button,

> let the button go.

You should get the same page in a new window.

You now know how to create your own and were to find the prefab moves.

Part 4
"learn why to make mouse gestures"

I use to think that the why part should go at the beginning. Now I know you could not ever know what a mouse gesture is by not learning what it is. Right? You would probably think it's a total waist of time. So I would end up insulting my own methods.

This is useful for opening a few tabs for 1 subject and saving them as a folder or just closing the
subject down after looking at a pile of sites. All normal links should be set to always open in the same browser window or keeping 1 window per subject becomes to complicated. We don't want more buttons on the toolbar and we want to be able to do things by mouse and by keyboard depending on what we are doing. The mouse gesture takes 1/30 of the moves and 1/2 the clicks compared to File > New window. It clones the current page, that's useful to me.

<< back to the user guide

In case you read this tutorial first, scrolled to the end of my page, clicked the comment button, still trying to define it's use by not trying it or just want to read the authors words, here is the Marc Boullet All-in-One Gestures Extension Homepage:

Have fun and "speak your mind" please.

# @ 10:57 AM  13 comments Sunday, February 20, 2005 view from google

Collect the parts yourself.

I was just puting this list in a more organized order, it was hard to get it perfect. I now think: Because the idea was to just download everything here we can avoid all the useless extra work of organizing the list and making a nice installer. Install the things yourself!

The googlebrowser parts

The Lookahead extension for the Firefox browser was created to provide for efficient usage of time while a user performs Google searches.

Sage is a lightweight RSS and Atom feed aggregator extension

Small extension that translates web pages (via toolbar button) or selected text (via context menu) from and to different languages. Uses BabelFish and Google translation engines. Works only with Firefox 0.9 - 1.0.

The Smile Project is an online database of smilies, used by Smiley Xtra 3. All the smilies in the database are submitted by users of The Smile Project, so if you find a smiley you like, don't forget to share it!

Compact Menu is an extension for the Mozillan Browser (Firefox) and Mail client (Thunderbird) that allows you to reorganize the menu options on the menu bar in such a way that the user has more horizontal space on the menu bar to add buttons or other options.

PRGooglebar is a modification of the Googlebar extension for Mozilla and Firefox. It adds the long awaited Pagerank to the toolbar
Advanced Eyedropper, ColorPicker, Page Zoomer and other colorful goodies.

This extension provides a comprehensive UI for changing a number of the hidden tabbed browsing preferences in Firefox. It also provides the ability to control how internal and external links are opened in the browser and how the browser will react when links are sent to it.

StumbleUpon is a network of people and pages. It is a free tool which helps you browse, review and share webpages while meeting new people.

SearchBox AutoUpdater is an extension for the browser FireFox. This extension enables to automatically update the searchbox words when you're searching directly in the search engine.

Habari Xenu - A Cool XUL News Aggregator
Notepad++ is a free source code editor which supports several programming languages running under the M$ Windows environment.

allows the current page or a selected link to be opened in Internet Explorer.

Occasionally you need to check the spelling of words in an application that does not include a spelling checker and you don't want to launch your word processor just for that. This is when tinySpell becomes handy. It is a small utility that allows you to easily and quickly check the spelling of words in any Windows application. tinySpell monitors your typing on the fly and alerts you whenever it detects a misspelled word. It also checks the spelling of every word you copy to the clipboard. tinySpell installs itself in the system tray for easy access. It comes with an American-English dictionary containing more than 110,000 words.

SpellBound is a port of the spellchecker code and user interface from the Mozilla Suite's Composer that enables spell checking in web forms such as html textarea / input elements (html input password elements are not checked by SpellBound) and rich text form elements. This allows you to spell check forms (e.g. message board posts, blog entries, wysiwyg, etc.) before submitting them when using your Mozilla Firefox or Mozilla Suite browser.

Translate Page passes the current page to Google 's Translation Service and was made upon request to directly mimmick a feature of the Mozilla suite within Firefox.
right-click BlogThis
HTML VALIDATOR (based on Tidy)

Normally when you open lots of tabs in Firefox they each become narrower and narrower, and eventually just disappear off the end of the tab bar. With this extension installed the tabs instead wrap around onto multiple rows when required. Do not try to use this in conjunction with Tabbrowser Extensions, as it will break. Tabbrowser Extensions includes this functionality anyway. Don't use in conjuction with Tab X, or each tab will end up occupying a line of its own.
A Mozilla Firefox browser extension that inserts preview images (thumbnails) of web sites, Amazon products and stock charts into the Google and yahoo.com search results pages. Thumbnails are provided by thumbshots.org and alexa.com .
Scrollbar Anywhere Extension Scrollbar Anywhere allows to scroll the page as if the scrollbar is under your mouse pointer. Just hold the right (or any other) mouse button down and move the mouse. Enjoy!

# @ 10:22 AM  0 comments Saturday, February 19, 2005 view from google

users guide

We have all visited http://googlefox.blogspot.com so I will asume you do have the look ahead tool. Now, configure mouse gesture down-up to "open current page in new window"

Lern how to configure this mouse gesture >>

Make it so that you can middle click a folder named "login" on your toolbar to have all login pages you could login to open in sepearate tabs.

Pick the most interesting subject for this moment. Browse around the forums untill you find a interesting topic by your chosen subject.

Make the gesture so that you have a new window.

Click the links in the topic and/or do a look ahead. Right click a word to lookup or a line to google for.

Create 20-30 tabs about the topic. Read 1 or 2 and glance at the rest, QUICKLY close the pages that look wrong or don't have any info. 2-5 sec should be enough to see if the page was really worked at or not.

View the first tab you opened in the window, click bookmark this, chech the checkbox "bookmark in folder" rename the folder by subject and the topic if the description of the first tab does not fit.

If you have 6 or 7 folders like that you use the bookmarkmanager to create some order in the links and divide them over at least 3 sub folders.

All the links should end up in maximum 6 subject folders.

Bookmarks > 6 subjects > 50 links per subject

You have time to read as the 50 links load in tabs on middleclick.

End of tutorial.

Wink - [Homepage]

# @ 8:04 AM  0 comments

Article Search Engine: GoArticles.com

When people think about the Internet, they think about technology. When people hear that I am a Website strategy expert, they see me as a 'techy type'.

But for me, the most intriguing aspect of your online business isn't about the technology. It's about human connections, and how you can create these in a virtual environment.

It's commonly understood that 'people buy emotionally, not intellectually.' Even when people think they're making a rational decision, powerful subconscious factors come into play. To sell effectively, we're told to anticipate our customers' needs, to demonstrate that we 'feel their pain', and to respond to clues in their body language and tone of voice.

Article Search Engine: GoArticles.com

# @ 3:42 PM  2 comments Friday, February 18, 2005 view from google

Blogger Forum - Forum

Blogger Forum - Forum: "Re: Eh, I made tomany comments now it's disabled?
Wow..not only do you copy the article from CNET without any credit given you steal the comments to the CNET article and import them as if someone were actually reading your blog....priceless."

# @ 11:25 AM  0 comments

Visit the tools department@ googlefox.blogspot.com

During my interstellar travels I like to experience creating one of those primitive native types of thought transfer protocols like this think called communication you guy's have here. It presents a great discipline, this unrewarding thought that no one would ever understand. So I was making this great blog and Blogger just stops having the features at a given point. Specially if you know the features it will have in the future, so for now it means I should do a whole new bloggy with just the software to make your own googlbrowser. I don't have a license for anything. So you will have to download the separate parts from separate sites.


gdewilde@gmail.com "

# @ 5:32 AM  0 comments Thursday, February 17, 2005 view from google


With all respect, google has grown to the corporate headless chicken size. Size is nice but it does bring disadvantages just like having a small business. I hate Microsoft for putting people's business/life in the hands of beta products. The software stops working and the bank takes the house.

May Google ever take our blog/life seriously? The few bloggers that make an income from a blogspot blog should never gain a serious customer position?

From the top of my head:
1) Put real products in the Dashboard to use with the blog.
2) Put a froogle like search box in the Dashboard so we can add a link to the product we are blogging about.

Hand picked adds by content. If the link points at the full specifications of the product it would make it a better post.

Essential Blogging

# @ 8:48 AM Wednesday, February 16, 2005 view from google

Reversal: Next IE divorced from new Windows

Reversing a longstanding Microsoft policy, Bill Gates said Tuesday that the company will ship an update to its browser separately from the next major version of Windows.

A beta, or test, version of Internet Explorer 7 will debut this summer, Microsoft's chairman and chief software architect said in a keynote address at the RSA Conference 2005 here. The company had said that it would not ship a new IE version before the next major update to Windows, code-named Longhorn, arrives next year.

The company sought to allay security concerns last year by issuing the SP2 update for Windows XP, which included a number of changes to browser security. But critics complained that the update would benefit only those people who either already owned XP or who had paid for an operating system upgrade, leaving about half the Windows world out in the cold.

# @ 6:36 AM  0 comments Tuesday, February 15, 2005 view from google

Let's do what Jhon Doe does!

If there is anything I hate about mankind it's how we follow dumb people because we see so many of them. In class I use to spoil the time of my fellow students with my slow ability for understanding. In other classes I would do nothing but look how others didn't understand.

What does this have to do with things?

If I make a website I need to downgrade everything for dial up users. I dump all graphics remove all sound, everything thats bigger as 150 kb gets removed by me. Dial up people should be able to view the site right? I don't like the idea but hey, lets go with what people expect.

Don't get confused now!

Firefox is a great browser, it makes 1 connection to the server. This is done so that modem users can use the browser. I just changed network.http.pipelining.maxrequests from 1 to 60. I am now in the OMG scale of emotions. I'm surfing 60 times faster. Opening a folder in tabs (30 tabs) now takes just as long as a normal google would 30 min ago. O_O

Teh d3vlop3r

I was developing the googlebrowser as a joke, I am always extra amused by my own jokes, this time I should outperform Mozilla and Google all by my lonely self. ghehehe

If your a dial up user your advised to get a Internet connection. I refuse to downgrade the state of the art browser I am working on to service non-users. Heck, first make me design a dial up page, and then downgrade cable to dial up speed?

A fat 15kb

NO, NO, NO! 15 kb/sec won't give an remote view of the billions of pages. And I am not that interested in effortless users. I am interested in serving people who know the web, the people that we would listen to. Dial up users have a way to limited picture to take part in this. They have already downgraded my design, they will not downgrade my browser. NO, NO, NO, NO!

Get With the program please.....

# @ 6:17 AM  0 comments

Make Firefox Faster at Forever Geek

After you get past the beginner stage with Firefox, try this 'power-user' trick to make it download pages faster by allowing multiple connections so it can download more than one file at a time. It's only useful for broadband users, so if you're still on dial-up (HA-HA) you can just skip this one for now."
Make Firefox Faster at Forever Geek

Set max request from 1 to 60

# @ 3:22 AM  0 comments Sunday, February 13, 2005 view from google

Huh, Whaat?

"What is this page?" would be the first thing I would ask, let me answer that before you think it. I see both firefox and Google trying to build a name for them selfs by supplying us with great gifts. I can see Google has it's marketing know how with all the limitations the full picture brings(like don't make enemy's). I can see firefox has development resources that scare the living daylight out of some software company's. What I don't see is a big google collective of developing volunteers like Mozilla has. And I don't see the firefox teams do marketing of the style and class Google has.

I personally would love to take part in open source development but hardly anyone can make sense of my picture. I should do my own project like others do. The drill is simple: "Beside the Firefox extensions I find useful myself I will gather Google related firefox tools, put it all in 1 installer and write damn good tutorials, so good that even you will understand 'em. But I'm not that smart a man so I designed a smart feedback form were you can do my thinking for me.

Download Google related firefox tools

Folow user guide

help me developing the products


# @ 3:16 AM  0 comments

Clean up the google search: "googlebrowser"

TouchGraph GoogleBrowser V1.01
Recent referrers to the TouchGraph browsers:

Google Search: googlebrowser Google Search: map google link Force Temple Discussion board :: View topic - Google Linktausch Kostenlos StumbleUpon Lay My Hat :topic - Cool tools Traumwind - Google Graph Browser Many-to-Many: Visualizing the collective brain www.forum.aicommunity.org BLOGKID Touchgraph - graphisch durch Google surfen metacrawler - Ihre freundliche Suchmaschine. Google-Suche: touch graph Suppose, Nottingham miniwini.com TouchGraph Google Browser Nettes Java-Tool zur graphischen Veranschaulichung Google Search: touchgraph Yahoo!¸¡p - toughgraph

other hits:

TouchGraph GoogleBrowser: Full Instructions

This lets you browse Google recursively, finding connections between sites.

Lockergnome: GoogleBrowser
We used to be thrilled with searching specifically for Web sites, but then image searching came along and we almost flipped out of our chairs. Just when we were getting a grip on image searching, video search capabilities rose up out of the woodwork and blew us away… again. Another interesting way to search for Web sites is through a graphical spider web interface. After all, it’s not called the World Wide Web for nothing. One particular site that is building this type of a tool on top of Google is TouchGraph with their GoogleBrowser.

GBrowser is GoogleBrowser? » karmakars.com
The wind in the trees tell me there is something going on.. with Google. Apparently there is a lot of Chinese whispers going around about — Google to release a Gecko based browser soonish.

ASPSmith's Blog
Check out this cool tool to map out where your website is in the Internet space, according to Google.

http://www.digg.com: TouchGraph GoogleBrowser
This app creates dynamic graphs based on backlinks (from Google) to a url you type in. Its pretty damn cool!

# @ 3:09 AM  0 comments

Google Video Search

Google Video Search: "Search recent TV programs online."

Our mission is to organize the world's information, and that includes the thousands of programs that play on our TVs every day. Google Video enables you to search a growing archive of televised content – everything from sports to dinosaur documentaries to news shows.

# @ 2:52 AM  0 comments

Clean up the google search

TouchGraph GoogleBrowser V1.01

Recent referrers to the TouchGraph browsers

Google Search: googlebrowser Google Search: map google link Force Temple Discussion board :: View topic - Google W" href="http://www.linktauschen.de/mod.php">Linktausch Kostenlos StumbleUpon Lay My Hat :topic - Cool tools Traumwind - Google Graph Browser Many-to-Many: Visualizing the collective brain www.forum.aicommunity.org BLOGKID Touchgraph - graphisch durch Google surfen metacrawler - Ihre freundliche Suchmaschine. Google-Suche: touch graph Suppose, Nottingham miniwini.com TouchGraph Google Browser Nettes Java-Tool zur graphischen Veranschaulichung Google Search: touchgraph Yahoo!¸¡p - toughgraph

TouchGraph GoogleBrowser: Full Instructions

This lets you browse Google recursively, finding connections between sites.

Lockergnome: GoogleBrowser
We used to be thrilled with searching specifically for Web sites, but then image searching came along and we almost flipped out of our chairs. Just when we were getting a grip on image searching, video search capabilities rose up out of the woodwork and blew us away… again. Another interesting way to search for Web sites is through a graphical spider web interface. After all, it’s not called the World Wide Web for nothing. One particular site that is building this type of a tool on top of Google is TouchGraph with their GoogleBrowser.

GBrowser is GoogleBrowser? » karmakars.com
The wind in the trees tell me there is something going on.. with Google. Apparently there is a lot of Chinese whispers going around about — Google to release a Gecko based browser soonish.

ASPSmith's Blog
Check out this cool tool to map out where your website is in the Internet space, according to Google.

http://www.digg.com: TouchGraph GoogleBrowser
This app creates dynamic graphs based on backlinks (from Google) to a url you type in. Its pretty damn cool!

# @ 2:46 AM  0 comments

googlebrowser - TV

Firefox plugin delivers HTML-style audio and video browsing: ZDNet Australia: News: Software
the site:

this is how it looks.(a scary lot like a tv)

# @ 2:43 AM  0 comments

Discrete Life: A gbrowser countdown?

Discrete Life: A gbrowser countdown?: "Do you feel that there is some sort of countdown going at Google? Or is it just me? Almost every page displays google text ads now. On the top or bottom of these ads you used to see the words 'Ads by Google'. But, about 3-4 months ago it changed to 'Ads by Gooooooooooooogle'. Since then it feels like that there is some sort of countdown going on.

Ads by Goooooooooooogle
Ads by Gooooooooooogle
Ads by Goooooooooogle
Ads by Gooooooooogle
Ads by Goooooooogle
Ads by Gooooooogle

Currently it stands at
Ads by Goooooogle

Maybe Google is doing a countdown for a major release. A new browser? gbrowser? Something else? What do ya think?

posted by Moneywise at 8:35 AM


Sounds about right.
I noticed the increase, but not the countdown.
Very interesting.

By tomythius, at 12:45 PM

very cool I had notice the same thing, but hadn't thought anything about it. How very curious.

PS how'd you get the cool commenting system? I've been looking for a better one.

By GodsMoon, at 8:29 PM

oh never mind about the commenting. Blogger just upgraded it. Whoa that's a lot better. I love Blogger! :)

By GodsMoon, at 8:34 PM

besides gbrowser, I am looking forward to Google's Ginger as well.

By eshfaq, at 3:08 AM

Post a Comment

<< Home"

# @ 7:40 PM  0 comments Tuesday, February 08, 2005 view from google

The googlebrowser in devlopment...

Andkon wrote:
Since it seems that the Java hangup has been a known problem for some time, I suggest that since the developer are befuddled as to a cure, Firefox should be bundled with all 25MB of my arcade so there's no problems for my visitors.

We should serve the pro's and upgrade the user to pro level as fast as we can. A dry and featureless training platform is equal to torture in my book.

Users should collect RSS and XML feeds, they should bookmark all tabs in a folder as they close a window. (If the tabs are not worth bookmarking you have proof you didn't surf.) They should make the tab-folder in a sub folder of the bookmarks tool bar. That way you have 1 drop down with 100 sub-folders that open 50 tab's each with 1 middle click.

I use this next blog folder to open 50 random blogs in tabs with one middle-click.

It's fun reading, at least 1 in 1000 posts is really cool and a gem to find.

# @ 2:01 PM  0 comments

just letters

just letters: "efaeragweffwa

# @ 5:23 AM  0 comments Sunday, February 06, 2005 view from google

How Proprietary Software Rewards Theft In Developing Countries (September 10th, 2003) | KnowProSE.com

How Proprietary Software Rewards Theft In Developing Countries (September 10th, 2003) | KnowProSE.com: "On the main computing list here in Trinidad and Tobago, someone sent out a link to Outsourcing: does it reward theft? - and asked some rather good questions.

I responded, and the response I gave is below, though changed a bit so that it can stand on it's own.

'Intellectual Property' and 'Piracy', as well as other similar concepts constitute the Pandora's box of proprietary software. Much has been written of these, and for those of you who haven't been paying attention - START paying attention. The rights you save may be your own.

If all one knows is proprietary software, one may think that this is an unavoidable problem. While it's important to understand that credit should be given and copyright hono(u)red, there's more to this than meets the eye. When one looks at alternative methodologies, a rote comparison is not always possible - a control must be used.

Let's use business performance and ethics as the controls. Just for giggles. And to drive the point home, let's use a developing country - Trinidad and Tobago - as a good place to start. Let's look at ways a software company in Trinidad and Tobago can make a profit.

Trinidad and Tobago culture is not really conducive to these 'intellectual property' issues that aren't really a problem for the average 'Trinbagonian' - they are a problem for software manufacturers. The majority of software used in Trinidad and Tobago is written by foreign companies (99% or better).

With the perspective that 'intellectual property' issues are unavoidable and constant, a local software company may be able to produce high quality software and not make much money off of the software. Most software developers and software development companies know that the money is not in the actual package itself - it's in the support. Software Life Cycles support this, simply because the largest part of the software life cycle is between the releas"

# @ 2:21 AM  0 comments Saturday, February 05, 2005 view from google

Yahoo! Search blog: A Foxy Browser Scores in Search

Yahoo! Search blog: A Foxy Browser Scores in Search: "A look inside the world of search from the people of Yahoo!"

# @ 8:48 AM  4 comments Thursday, February 03, 2005 view from google

Firefox commercial - Spread Firefox - add gamble?

Firefox commercial - Spread Firefox: "'Big $$$'
Posted by ShadowOfTwilight on Mon, 01/31/2005 - 13:44.

a small company blowing big $$$ on ONE shot is gambling, not marketing.

Tonglebeak, have you ever seen an ad on the Superbowl broadcast for a company no one's ever heard of? I see where you're coming from, but... well look at it this way. Companies--large or small--usually have professionals, trained to do what they do. Often, if there's something they don't do, there's a reason. Another example, if you know of it, is the computer game Starcraft. If you haven't played it, this won't make sense, but... 3 small bases, each of them gathering a little bit of minerals at a time, will make money much more quickly than one base with a platoon of harvesters.

Yes, Starcraft players, I know that's a stupid example. Shut up. =)"

# @ 8:44 AM  0 comments

Mozilla.org vs AvantBrowser.com

Mozilla.org vs AvantBrowser.com: "Andkon wrote his own little marketing essay a few weeks or months back, explaining how the thinking behind Mozilla.org was flawed, and suggesting improvements to make it appeal more to endusers. I must say that I was surprised by the truth there was in many of the things he had to say, and how little was needed to improve mozilla.org.

I wish, through this essay, to build on (and at times rip off) Andkon's work by comparing Mozilla.org to the site of a competitor, Avant, and find the pros and cons of both sites. I unrealistically hope to influence the Mozilla community enough for them to eliminate the cons, and make Mozilla.org more user-friendly and appealing. Let's start off with a little comparison between the front pages of both sites."

# @ 9:09 AM  0 comments Wednesday, February 02, 2005 view from google

Maxthon Forum -> [plugin] Google

I always thought Maxthon would be great if IE didn't have bugs.
The piles of features like the one below make it an amzing browser no other can match on the windows OS.

First, i am not know to speak english very well (i am from Spain), but i am going to try it:

This plugin open the ten webs that Google show you in every search (in default) or the number that you have customized. It´s very simple but this is something that i frecuently do and the plugin do it, now, for me. The Google plugin do the process more fast that Maxthon did it (with the mouse center button). More or lesss... laugh.gif

Sorry for my english.

This post has been edited by Círculo Maldito: 2004-08-25 09:01:13 PM
Maxthon Forum -> [plugin] Google

# @ 5:19 PM  0 comments Tuesday, February 01, 2005 view from google

Try this new browser K-Meleon 0.8.2 Wechselbalg

K-Meleon 0.8.2 Wechselbalg DownloadpageFor any new K-Meleon users a warm welcome to a small community of people who enjoy surfing the internet with one of the fastest browsers on earth!
Almost everything in this browser can be set by your hands, plus a lot of extra functionality is available on the K-Meleon website. We really hope you will enjoy the browsing experience.

This page is powered by Blogger. Isn't yours?



Thanks for the collection! I'm glad *someone* had the initiative to enummerate the Google-related extensions and provide such a good synopsis...

Bradley comment permalink

I can't believe they snubbed the WebDeveloper extension, which is #1 in my opinion! Man, I used to respect that magazine.
invadesoda comment permalink

site feed


If you want my googlebrowser-blog feed on your webpage, just copy this code and past it in the body of your html(thanks!)


Powerd by Expressgratis.